Life, Motivational

The Wait Is Almost Over

Summer – the dream of children and the nightmare of parents.

8 whole weeks (give or take a couple of weeks) – 2 whole months – of listening to “I’m bored!” “I have nothing to do!” “I don’t wanna do that!!!” (That last one is when the child is given a task to do b/c he is “bored” with “nothing to do.”)

If you’re in this boat with me, take heart dear Parent! The school year is just around the corner.

Now, don’t get me wrong…..I have loved having my son home with me. I love all the morning and bedtime snuggles (and random snuggles in between) and all his random kisses, BUT…

Momma needs a break. The constant “Where are you going? I wanna go, too!” “Why didn’t you take me with you?” (He’s called me from the house when I’d sneak off and leave him with his father for male bonding time.)

He’s my only child. So naturally, I don’t want to quite cut the apron strings just yet – though I know I need to in order for him to grow up in more of a male fashion. I want him to grow to be an independent person who fends for himself.

So, it’s about this time every summer that I’m like a kid in the backseat of the car on a long road trip – asking every 5 seconds “Are we there yet??”

My answer to myself: “Almost. A little over 2 weeks – you can make it.”

Are you there yet? Leave your answer in the comment section below.


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